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2022-03-10 03:42:22 +00:00
# go through normal rpi install. select "none" for disk, and select mmcblkp1 for storing configs
# run "lbu commit -d" after install to save changes.
# Then run this script
echo "input username to add: "
read name
if [ "$name" ]; then
adduser "$name"
adduser "$name" wheel
apk add doas
sed -i 's/# permit/permit/g' /etc/doas.conf
#add /home/ to lbu
lbu include /home/
#setup samba server
#install needed packages
apk add samba
#make share location
mkdir /media/storage/
chmod 0777 /media/storage
doas mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.orig
touch /etc/samba/smb.conf
echo "[global]"
echo "workgroup = WORKGROUP"
echo "dos charset = cp850"
echo "unix charset = ISO-8859-1"
echo "force user = $name" # should this be removed?
echo "[storage]"
echo "browseable = yes"
echo "writeable = yes"
echo "path = /media/storage"
} >> /etc/samba/smb.conf
echo "Enter samba password for this user. (should be the same as user password entered earlier)"
smbpasswd -a "$name"
rc-update add samba
rc-service samba start
lbu include /var/lib/samba/ #add dir where samba user info is stored
lbu commit -d
echo "mount drives at /media/storage/ to be seen remotely"
#transmission setup
echo "uncomment community repository in the file about to be opened in vi"
sleep 10
vi /etc/apk/repositories
#install transmission
apk add transmission-daemon transmission-daemon-openrc
rc-update add transmission-daemon
rc-service transmission-daemon start #start transmission once to setup config file
#TODO add way to modify transmission config automatically after this
#stop transmission
#sed find/replace for options below
#start transmission
#add the hostname of the rpi to "rpc-host-whitelist" entry in file /var/lib/transmission/config/settings.json
#add the ip address of your machine to "rpc-whitelist" entry in the same file so transmission will allow your computer to connect to it.
#make sure transmission is stopped with "rc-service transmission-daemon stop" before changing file since the file is overwritten when transmission closes
#change "download-dir" to a directory on the external HDD
#make sure the drive has correct permissions to allow user transmission in group transmission to create new files/directories
# adduser alex transmission # adds user alex to group transmission
# chown -R alex:transmission /media/storage/Toshiba_HDD/ #makes entire drive mounted at /media/Toshiba_HDD owned by user alex in group transmission
# chmod -R 0777 /media/storage/Toshiba_HDD/ #recursively give correct read/write permissions on files in drive
#you can connect to transmission daemon using tremc -c @nagato:9091 or by opening nagato:9091 in a browser
#setup ufw firewall
apk add ufw
ufw default deny incoming
ufw default allow outgoing
ufw allow https
ufw allow ssh
ufw allow 56881:56889/tcp #enable transmission ports
ufw allow 9091/tcp #allow transmission clients access
ufw allow transmission
ufw allow cifs
ufw allow nfs
#may be needed for samba
#ufw allow 137:138/udp
#ufw allow 139/tcp
#ufw allow 445/tcp
ufw enable
rc-update add ufw
rc-service ufw start
#add haveged for faster boot time
apk update
apk add haveged
rc-update add haveged boot
rc-service haveged start
lbu commit -d