* changes after switching to dwl.

*switched to using foot terminal
* modified lf pv.sh to be setup for lf-sixel-git
* setup config for swhkd
Alex 2022-09-11 11:49:36 -05:00
parent 1612c290fa
commit 55499e20d4
22 changed files with 483 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
#generated from: /home/alex/.config/bemenu/colors/base16-nord #generated from: /home/alex/.config/bemenu/colors/base16-gruvbox-dark-hard
export BEMENU_OPTS="-H 22 --nb #2E3440 --nf #EBCB8B --hb #2E3440 --hf #ECEFF4 --sb #3B4252 --sf #ECEFF4 --tb #2E3440 --tf #EBCB8B --fb #2E3440 --ff #ffffff" #export BEMENU_OPTS="-H 22 --tb #1d2021 --tf #fabd2f --hb #1d2021 --hf #ebdbb2 --sf #ebdbb2 --fb #1d2021 --sb #3c3836 --ff #ffffff --nb #1d2021 " #--nf #ebdbb2
export BEMENU_OPTS="-H 22--tb #285577 --hb #285577 --tf #eeeeee --hf #eeeeee --nf #bbbbbb"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<!-- Set preferred serif, sans serif, and monospace fonts. --> <!-- Set preferred serif, sans serif, and monospace fonts. -->
<alias> <alias>
<family>Serif</family> <family>serif</family>
<prefer><family>Noto Serif</family></prefer> <prefer><family>Noto Serif</family></prefer>
</alias> </alias>
<alias> <alias>
@ -18,9 +18,27 @@
<alias> <alias>
<family>monospace</family> <family>monospace</family>
<prefer><family>Mononoki Nerd Font</family></prefer> <prefer><family>Mononoki Nerd Font</family></prefer>
<!-- <prefer><family>Terminus (TTF)</family></prefer> -->
</alias> </alias>
<!-- Aliases for commonly used MS fonts. --> <!-- Aliases for commonly used MS fonts. -->
<match> <match>
<test name="family"><string>Arial</string></test> <test name="family"><string>Arial</string></test>

.config/foot/foot.ini Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
# -*- conf -*-
# shell=$SHELL (if set, otherwise user's default shell from /etc/passwd)
# term=foot (or xterm-256color if built with -Dterminfo=disabled)
# login-shell=no
# app-id=foot
# title=foot
# locked-title=no
# font-bold=<bold variant of regular font>
# font-italic=<italic variant of regular font>
# font-bold-italic=<bold+italic variant of regular font>
# line-height=<font metrics>
# letter-spacing=0
# horizontal-letter-offset=0
# vertical-letter-offset=0
# underline-offset=<font metrics>
# box-drawings-uses-font-glyphs=no
# dpi-aware=auto
# initial-window-size-pixels=700x500 # Or,
# initial-window-size-chars=<COLSxROWS>
# initial-window-mode=windowed
#pad=2x2 # optionally append 'center'
# resize-delay-ms=100
# notify=notify-send -a ${app-id} -i ${app-id} ${title} ${body}
# bold-text-in-bright=no
# word-delimiters=,│`|:"'()[]{}<>
# selection-target=primary
# workers=<number of logical CPUs>
# name=value
# urgent=no
# notify=no
# command=
# command-focused=no
# lines=1000
# multiplier=3.0
# indicator-position=relative
# indicator-format=
# launch=xdg-open ${url}
# label-letters=sadfjklewcmpgh
# osc8-underline=url-mode
# protocols=http, https, ftp, ftps, file, gemini, gopher
# uri-characters=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_.,~:;/?#@!$&%*+="'()[]
# style=block
# color=<inverse foreground/background>
# blink=no
# beam-thickness=1.5
# underline-thickness=<font underline thickness>
# hide-when-typing=no
# alternate-scroll-mode=yes
# alpha=1.0
# foreground=dcdccc
# background=111111
## Normal/regular colors (color palette 0-7)
# regular0=222222 # black
# regular1=cc9393 # red
# regular2=7f9f7f # green
# regular3=d0bf8f # yellow
# regular4=6ca0a3 # blue
# regular5=dc8cc3 # magenta
# regular6=93e0e3 # cyan
# regular7=dcdccc # white
## Bright colors (color palette 8-15)
# bright0=666666 # bright black
# bright1=dca3a3 # bright red
# bright2=bfebbf # bright green
# bright3=f0dfaf # bright yellow
# bright4=8cd0d3 # bright blue
# bright5=fcace3 # bright magenta
# bright6=b3ffff # bright cyan
# bright7=ffffff # bright white
## dimmed colors (see foot.ini(5) man page)
# dim0=<not set>
# ...
# dim7=<not-set>
## The remaining 256-color palette
# 16 = <256-color palette #16>
# ...
# 255 = <256-color palette #255>
## Misc colors
# selection-foreground=<inverse foreground/background>
# selection-background=<inverse foreground/background>
# jump-labels=<regular0> <regular3> # black-on-yellow
# scrollback-indicator=<regular0> <bright4> # black-on-bright-blue
# search-box-no-match=<regular0> <regular1> # black-on-red
# search-box-match=<regular0> <regular3> # black-on-yellow
# urls=<regular3>
# Base16 Gruvbox dark, medium - foot color config
# Scheme by Dawid Kurek (dawikur@gmail.com), morhetz (https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox)
## normal
## bright
## misc
#jump-labels=282828 fabd2f
#scrollback-indicator=282828 bdae93
# preferred=server
# size=26
# font=<primary font>
# color=<foreground color>
# hide-when-typing=no
# border-width=0
# border-color=<csd.color>
# button-width=26
# button-color=<background color>
# button-minimize-color=<regular4>
# button-maximize-color=<regular2>
# button-close-color=<regular1>
# scrollback-up-page=Shift+Page_Up
# scrollback-up-half-page=none
# scrollback-up-line=none
# scrollback-down-page=Shift+Page_Down
# scrollback-down-half-page=none
# scrollback-down-line=none
# clipboard-copy=Control+Shift+c XF86Copy
# clipboard-paste=Control+Shift+v XF86Paste
# primary-paste=Shift+Insert
# search-start=Control+Shift+r
# font-increase=Control+plus Control+equal Control+KP_Add
# font-decrease=Control+minus Control+KP_Subtract
# font-reset=Control+0 Control+KP_0
# spawn-terminal=Control+Shift+n
# minimize=none
# maximize=none
# fullscreen=none
# pipe-visible=[sh -c "xurls | fuzzel | xargs -r firefox"] none
# pipe-scrollback=[sh -c "xurls | fuzzel | xargs -r firefox"] none
# pipe-selected=[xargs -r firefox] none
# show-urls-launch=Control+Shift+u
# show-urls-copy=none
# show-urls-persistent=none
# prompt-prev=Control+Shift+z
# prompt-next=Control+Shift+x
# unicode-input=none
# noop=none
# cancel=Control+g Control+c Escape
# commit=Return
# find-prev=Control+r
# find-next=Control+s
# cursor-left=Left Control+b
# cursor-left-word=Control+Left Mod1+b
# cursor-right=Right Control+f
# cursor-right-word=Control+Right Mod1+f
# cursor-home=Home Control+a
# cursor-end=End Control+e
# delete-prev=BackSpace
# delete-prev-word=Mod1+BackSpace Control+BackSpace
# delete-next=Delete
# delete-next-word=Mod1+d Control+Delete
# extend-to-word-boundary=Control+w
# extend-to-next-whitespace=Control+Shift+w
# clipboard-paste=Control+v Control+Shift+v Control+y XF86Paste
# primary-paste=Shift+Insert
# unicode-input=none
# cancel=Control+g Control+c Control+d Escape
# toggle-url-visible=t
# \x03=Mod4+c # Map Super+c -> Ctrl+c
# selection-override-modifiers=Shift
# primary-paste=BTN_MIDDLE
# select-begin=BTN_LEFT
# select-begin-block=Control+BTN_LEFT
# select-extend=BTN_RIGHT
# select-extend-character-wise=Control+BTN_RIGHT
# select-word=BTN_LEFT-2
# select-word-whitespace=Control+BTN_LEFT-2
# select-row=BTN_LEFT-3
# vim: ft=dosini

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Any customization should be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine instead. # Any customization should be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine instead.
include "/home/alex/.gtkrc-2.0.mine" include "/home/alex/.gtkrc-2.0.mine"
gtk-theme-name="Dracula" gtk-theme-name="Nordic-standard-buttons"
gtk-icon-theme-name="Papirus-Dark" gtk-icon-theme-name="Papirus-Dark"
gtk-font-name="Sans 10" gtk-font-name="Sans 10"
gtk-cursor-theme-name="Adwaita" gtk-cursor-theme-name="Adwaita"

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
[Settings] [Settings]
gtk-theme-name=Dracula gtk-theme-name=Nordic-standard-buttons
gtk-icon-theme-name=Papirus-Dark gtk-icon-theme-name=Papirus-Dark
gtk-font-name=Sans 10 gtk-font-name=Sans 10
gtk-cursor-theme-size=0 gtk-cursor-theme-size=0
gtk-toolbar-style=GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS gtk-toolbar-style=GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH
gtk-toolbar-icon-size=GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR gtk-toolbar-icon-size=GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR
gtk-button-images=1 gtk-button-images=1
gtk-menu-images=0 gtk-menu-images=1
gtk-enable-event-sounds=1 gtk-enable-event-sounds=1
gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds=1 gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds=1
gtk-xft-antialias=1 gtk-xft-antialias=1

View File

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
img () {
chafa "$1" --size="$2"x"$3" | sed 's/#/\n#/g'
W="$(($(tput cols)/2 - 10))" W="$(($(tput cols)/2 - 10))"
#H="$(tput lines)" #H="$(tput lines)"
@ -14,9 +18,9 @@ case "$fn" in
*.zip) unzip -l "$1";; *.zip) unzip -l "$1";;
*.rar) unrar l "$1";; *.rar) unrar l "$1";;
*.7z) 7z l "$1";; *.7z) 7z l "$1";;
*.jpg | *.JPG | *.jpeg) chafa "$fn" --size="$w"x"$h" ;;#viu -t "$1" -w "$2" ;; *.jpg | *.JPG | *.jpeg) img "$fn" "$w" "$h";;
*.png | *.svg | *.gif) chafa "$fn" --size="$w"x"$h" ;; *.png | *.svg | *.gif) img "$fn" "$w" "$h";; #viu -t "$1" -w "$W" ;; #chafa "$fn" --size="$w"x"$h" ;;
*.mp4 | *.mkv | *.webm | *.avi | *.mpg | *.mpeg | *.ogv | *.flv | *.wmv | *.WMV) ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$fn" -c jpeg -o - | chafa - --size="$w"x"$h";; *.mp4 | *.mkv | *.webm | *.avi | *.mpg | *.mpeg | *.ogv | *.flv | *.wmv | *.WMV) ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$fn" -c jpeg -o - | img - "$w" "$h";;
*.pdf) pdftotext "$1" -;; *.pdf) pdftotext "$1" -;;
*) bat -f "$1";; #*) highlight -O ansi "$1" || cat "$1";; *) bat -f "$1";; #*) highlight -O ansi "$1" || cat "$1";;
esac esac

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let g:ale_completion_enabled = 1
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled = 1 let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled = 1
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1 let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:airline_theme='base16_atlas' let g:airline_theme='simple'
"syntax numbers, wildmode "syntax numbers, wildmode
syntax on syntax on

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ set $opacity 0.9
#for_window [class="bash"] opacity $opacity #for_window [class="bash"] opacity $opacity
#for_window [app_id="alacritty"] opacity $opacity #for_window [app_id="alacritty"] opacity $opacity
font pango:mononoki Nerd Font Regular 10 font pango:mono 10
### Input configuration ### Input configuration
# #

.config/swhkd/swhkdrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
vol.sh -i 0.02
vol.sh -d 0.02
vol.sh --toggle-mute
super + p
fixscr.sh --menu
super + o
super + s
ss.sh -s

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
#using this because I'm too lazy to change all the scripts that use bemenu right now
rofi -dmenu "$@"

.local/bin/unrar Normal file → Executable file
View File

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
#default startup file is defined, redefinable by second argument #default startup file is defined, redefinable by second argument
FILENAME="$HOME/.local/init/startup" FILENAME="$HOME/.local/init/startup"
[ -f "$2" ] && FILENAME="$2" [ -f "$2" ] && FILENAME="$2"
sleep 2
close() { close() {
while read CMD while read CMD
do do

View File

@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
gammastep-init.sh gammastep-init.sh
udiskie udiskie
dwl-bar.sh -l
swaybg --image=/home/alex/.config/wall --output=*

View File

@ -31,6 +31,16 @@ enable_repos() {
#sudo sh -c "echo "Include\ =\ /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" >> /etc/pacman.conf" #sudo sh -c "echo "Include\ =\ /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" >> /etc/pacman.conf"
#sudo sh -c "echo "" >> /etc/pacman.conf" #sudo sh -c "echo "" >> /etc/pacman.conf"
#add ungoogled chroimum OBS repo
curl -s 'https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ungoogled_chromium/Arch/x86_64/home_ungoogled_chromium_Arch.key' | sudo pacman-key -a -
echo '
SigLevel = Required TrustAll
Server = https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ungoogled_chromium/Arch/$arch' | sudo tee --append /etc/pacman.conf
sudo pacman -Sy
sudo pacman -Sy sudo pacman -Sy
#install yay for aur support #install yay for aur support

View File

@ -17,3 +17,4 @@ ani-cli-git
rofi-lbonn-wayland-git rofi-lbonn-wayland-git
pipe-viewer-git pipe-viewer-git
connman-gtk connman-gtk

View File

@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ aria2
libva-mesa-driver libva-mesa-driver
bc bc
firefox firefox
chromium ungoogled-chromium
flatpak flatpak

View File

@ -19,23 +19,22 @@ repo_check() {
} }
ungoogled_chromium() { ungoogled_chromium() {
repo_check #repo_check
echo "after repo check" #echo "after repo check"
CMD=" -S " CMD=" -S "
[ "$1" = "-R" ] && CMD=" -Rs " [ "$1" = "-R" ] && CMD=" -Rs "
echo "ungoogled chromium install not working just installing chromium (press enter to continue)"
read input
sudo pacman -S chromium #sudo pacman -S chromium
sudo pacman -S ungoogled-chromium
#yay "$CMD" aur/ungoogled-chromium-binary #yay "$CMD" aur/ungoogled-chromium-binary
#yay "$CMD" aur/chromium-ublock-origin yay -S aur/chromium-extension-ublock-origin
#yay "$CMD" aur/chromium-extension-web-store yay -S aur/chromium-extension-web-store
#yay "$CMD" aur/chromium-widevine yay -S aur/chromium-widevine
} }
virt_manager() { virt_manager() {
@ -98,9 +97,11 @@ gaming() {
sudo pacman $CMD vulkan-mesa-layers lib32-vulkan-mesa-layers sudo pacman $CMD vulkan-mesa-layers lib32-vulkan-mesa-layers
sudo pacman $CMD wine winetricks #wine-staging sudo pacman $CMD wine winetricks #wine-staging
sudo pacman $CMD giflib lib32-giflib libpng lib32-libpng libldap lib32-libldap gnutls lib32-gnutls mpg123 lib32-mpg123 openal lib32-openal v4l-utils lib32-v4l-utils libpulse lib32-libpulse alsa-plugins lib32-alsa-plugins alsa-lib lib32-alsa-lib libjpeg-turbo lib32-libjpeg-turbo libxcomposite lib32-libxcomposite libxinerama lib32-libxinerama ncurses lib32-ncurses opencl-icd-loader lib32-opencl-icd-loader libxslt lib32-libxslt libva lib32-libva gtk3 lib32-gtk3 gst-plugins-base-libs lib32-gst-plugins-base-libs vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader cups samba dosbox sudo pacman $CMD giflib lib32-giflib libpng lib32-libpng libldap lib32-libldap gnutls lib32-gnutls mpg123 lib32-mpg123 openal lib32-openal v4l-utils lib32-v4l-utils libpulse lib32-libpulse alsa-plugins lib32-alsa-plugins alsa-lib lib32-alsa-lib libjpeg-turbo lib32-libjpeg-turbo libxcomposite lib32-libxcomposite libxinerama lib32-libxinerama ncurses lib32-ncurses opencl-icd-loader lib32-opencl-icd-loader libxslt lib32-libxslt libva lib32-libva gtk3 lib32-gtk3 gst-plugins-base-libs lib32-gst-plugins-base-libs vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader lib32-pipewire lib32-pipewire-v4l2 lib32-pipewire-jack cups samba dosbox
sudo pacman $CMD gamemode lib32-gamemode sudo pacman $CMD gamemode lib32-gamemode
sudo pacman $CMD lutris steam sudo pacman $CMD lutris steam
yay -S protonup-git
} }

View File

@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh #!/usr/bin/env sh
#if [ -z "$(pgrep librewolf)" ]; then WBROWSER=chromium-wayland
# WBROWSER=chromium-wayland
#OPTS="       Torrent ) #OPTS="       Torrent )

.local/scripts/dwl-bar.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
# This script is used to set the status bar for dwm, or
# other wms that use xsetroot for a status bar.
# by default this script will only run once, to run in
# a loop give it the -l flag: ./sway-bar.sh -l
# Requires: pamixer
# ddate -> creates a date string
# audio -> creates a string representing the state of pulseaudio
# netup -> creates a string for the current network interface and status
# weather -> reads file written by ~/scripts/update-weather.sh to set the weather
# update -> calls all the above functions into swaybar to set status bar
# https://gitlab.com/ahub/dotfiles
SEP=" | "
ddate () {
printf " %s\n" "$(date "+%b %d, %Y ( %I:%M )")" #(%a)
audio () {
#volstat="$(amixer get Master)"
# if [ -n "$(echo "$volstat" | grep "\[off\]")" ]; then
# icon="🔇"
# else
# icon="$(echo "$volstat" | grep -o "\[[0-9]\+%\]" | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' | sed -n 1p -) 🔊"
# fi
icon="$(vol.sh -g) 🔊"
[ "$(pamixer --get-mute)" = "true" ] && icon="🔇"
printf "%s\n" "$icon"
rss() {
rss_cnt=$(sfeed_plain ~/.local/share/sfeed/feeds/* | grep -c "^N" )
#rss_cnt="$(newsboat -x print-unread | awk '{print $1}')"
printf "%s \n" "$rss_cnt"
mail() {
#COUNT="$(ls "$MAIL_DIR" | wc -l)"
for MBOX in $(ls "$MAIL_DIR")
COUNT=$((COUNT+$(ls "$TMP_DIR" | wc -l)))
icon="$COUNT 📧"
printf "%s\n" "$icon"
netup() {
for iface in $(ls -1 /sys/class/net | sed '/^lo/d')
if [ $(cat /sys/class/net/"$iface"/operstate | grep up) ] ; then
if [ "$(echo "$iface" | grep w)" ]; then
icon=" "
elif [ -z "$icon" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "$icon"
weather() {
if ! [ -f ~/.cache/wttr ]; then
sh ~/.local/scripts/update-weather.sh
icon="$(cat ~/.cache/wttr)"
printf "%s\n" "$icon"
cputemp() {
icon="$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp | sed 's/\(.\)..$/.\1°C/')"
printf "%s\n" "$icon"
battery() {
if [ -d "$BATT_DIR" ]; then
status="$(cat "$BATT_DIR"/status)"
charge="$(cat "$BATT_DIR"/capacity)"
if [ "$status" = "Discharging" ]; then
icon="${charge}% 🔋"
elif [ -z "$status" ]; then
icon="${charge}% 🔌"
printf "%s\n" "$icon"
crypto() {
icon="$(cat ~/.cache/rate)"
printf "%s\n" "$icon"
update() {
somebar -c status " $(crypto)$SEP$(cputemp)$SEP$(battery)$SEP$(netup)$SEP$(audio)$SEP$(rss)$SEP$(weather)$SEP$(ddate) "
sleep 1
#trap 'exit' 2
#trap 'exit' 15
#trap 'exit' 9
if [ "$1" ] && [ "$1" = "-l" ]; then
echo "$$" > ~/.cache/statusbar_pid
sh ~/.local/scripts/update-crypto.sh -i &
sh ~/.local/scripts/update-weather.sh -i &
while true
sleep 60

.local/scripts/hotkeys.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
run () {
killall swhks
swhks & pkexec swhkd
close () {
killall swhks
sudo killall swhkd
if [ "$1" = "-k" ]; then

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ setwp() {
rm ~/.config/wall rm ~/.config/wall
cp "$1" "$HOME/.config/wall" cp "$1" "$HOME/.config/wall"
swaymsg "output * bg ~/.config/wall fill" swaymsg "output * bg ~/.config/wall fill"
swaybg --image "$HOME/.config/wall"
} }

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export TERM="xterm-256color"
#export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="gtk2" # Have QT use gtk2 theme. must have qt5-styleplugins installed #export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="gtk2" # Have QT use gtk2 theme. must have qt5-styleplugins installed
export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct" #have QT use qt5ct theme export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct" #have QT use qt5ct theme
export GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark #export GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export MANPAGER=less
export EDITOR=nvim export EDITOR=nvim
export VISUAL=nvim export VISUAL=nvim
export BROWSER=browser.sh export BROWSER=browser.sh
export TERMINAL=alacritty export TERMINAL=foot
#sfeed vars #sfeed vars
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.local/scripts:$PATH" export PATH="$HOME/.local/scripts:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.local/appimages:$PATH" export PATH="$HOME/.local/appimages:$PATH"
export MANPATH="$MANPATH:/usr/local/man/" export MANPATH="$MANPATH:/usr/local/man/"
export PATH="$HOME/.local/podman/bin:$PATH"
#add to path if installing rocm for amd #add to path if installing rocm for amd
@ -82,8 +83,9 @@ export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit
#mount /media/nagato/ & #mount /media/nagato/ &
#mount /media/bismarck & #mount /media/bismarck &
if [ "$(tty)" = /dev/tty1 ]; then if [ "$(tty)" = /dev/tty1 ]; then
exec dbus-launch sway #exec dbus-launch sway
#exec dbus-launch Hyprland #exec dbus-launch Hyprland
#sh "$HOME"/.local/init/init.sh -i "$HOME"/.local/init/startup &
exec dbus-launch dwl -s somebar
fi fi