#!/usr/bin/env sh # script copied from Luke Smith to add a torrent # removed part of first line that uses i3blocks # modifications to allow the user to select the download directory using lf #modifications to interface with remote transmission server ARGS="$@" RSP="$(tremc -c@ "$ARGS" )" notify-send "transadd" "adding: $RSP" #TRANSMISSION_REMOTE="nagato:9091" # #OPTS="default #lf_select #lf_last" # #DEST="remote #local" # #DEST_OPT="local" #"$(echo "$DEST" | bemenu -p "select destination machine: ")" # #if [ "$DEST_OPT" = "local" ]; then # pgrep -x transmission-da > /dev/null || (trans-init && notify-send "Starting transmission daemon..." && sleep 3) #fi # # #OPT="$(echo "$OPTS" | bemenu -p "download to:")" # #if [ "$OPT" = "lf_select" ]; then # if [ ! -f ~/.cache/lf/lastpath ]; then # mkdir -p ~/.cache/lf/ # touch ~/.cache/lf/lastpath # echo "~" > ~/.cache/lf/lastpath # fi # $TERMINAL -e lf -last-dir-path ~/.cache/lf/lastpath "$(cat ~/.cache/lf/lastpath)" # SEL="$(cat ~/.cache/lf/lastpath)" # #elif [ "$OPT" = "lf_last" ]; then # SEL="$(cat ~/.cache/lf/lastpath)" # #elif [ "$OPT" = "default" ]; then # SEL="" # #else # SEL="" # notify-send "ERROR" # exit # #fi # # ##if [ "$TRANSMISSION_REMOTE" ]; then ## SEL_REM="$(echo "$SEL" | sed 's/^\/media\/nagato/\/media\/storage/g')" ##fi # # ##if [ "$DEST_OPT" = "remote" ]; then ## if [ "$SEL_REM" ]; then ## transmission-remote $TRANSMISSION_REMOTE -a "$@" -w "$SEL_REM" && notify-send " Transmission-daemon" "Torrent added to $SEL" ## else ## transmission-remote $TRANSMISSION_REMOTE -a "$@" && notify-send " Transmission-daemon" "Torrent added." ## fi ##else # if [ -d "$SEL" ]; then # transmission-remote -a "$@" -w "$SEL" && notify-send " Transmission-daemon" "Torrent added to $SEL" # else # transmission-remote -a "$@" && notify-send " Transmission-daemon" "Torrent added." # fi ##fi