#!/bin/sh echo " artix-install.sh" echo " comment/uncomment sections in Configurable Options section to install desired programs." echo " most scripts will assume repo-enable.sh has been run" echo "" echo " press return to begin installation. crtl + c to cancel" read input ################################################################### # Required ################################################################### #enables arch repos, lib32 multilib, community, and prompts for universe repo sh ./artix/repo-enable.sh #install packages from package lists sudo sh -c 'pacman -S - < artix/pkgs/base.list' #background programs/libraries/services/adds core functionality #################################################################### # Configurable Options #################################################################### #install extra programs, music players, pdf viewers, etc. sudo sh -c 'pacman -S - < artix/pkgs/extra.list' #install packages for my window manager setup sudo sh -c 'pacman -S - < artix/pkgs/wm.list' #install my aur packages yay -S - < artix/pkgs/aur.list #runit init setup sudo sh -c 'pacman -S - < artix/pkgs/runit.list' sh ./artix/runit-config.sh #install development programs sh ./artix/devel.sh #setup steam and lutris for gaming #pass one of --amd,--nvidia,--intel to this script sh ./artix/gaming.sh --amd #setup wireless (wifi,bluetooth) #sh ./artix/wireless.sh #do my configuration stuff, setup home directories, configure ufw, grub theming, etc. sh ./artix/config.sh #install local git repos, needed for wm.txt sh ~/.local/scripts/install.sh add-repos ~/.local/installers/repos.txt #uncomment appropriate line for cpu type sudo pacman -S amd-ucode #sudo pacman -S intel-ucode #################################################################### # Post Install #################################################################### sudo mkinitcpio -P #rebuild kernel sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg #update grub echo "installation finished"