#!/usr/bin/env bash ### INSTALL PROGRAMS FROM REPOS ### #update sudo xbps-install -Suv sudo xbps-install -S wget curl #enable repos #clear echo "enable nonfree repo?(y/N)" read NONFREE if [ "$NONFREE" = "y" ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy void-repo-nonfree fi clear echo "enable multilib repo?(y/N)" read MULTILIB if [ "$MULTILIB" = "y" ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy void-repo-multilib fi clear echo "enable nonfree multilib repo?(y/N)" read NFMULTILIB if [ "$NFMULTILIB" == "y" ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy void-repo-multilib-nonfree fi #make directories mkdir ~/docs/ mkdir ~/dl/ mkdir ~/media/ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gnupg/ mkdir -p ~/.config/mpd/playlists sudo mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ ### install system programs/libraries ### echo "install basic system utilities and libs I use(xorg, devel reqs for suckless, pulseaudio?(y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then #install xorg #sudo xbps-install -Sy xorg xterm sudo xbps-install -Sy xorg-minimal xrdb xsetroot xterm xprop xrandr xclip xkill xautolock #sound programs sudo xbps-install -Sy alsa-utils pulseaudio pulsemixer #install system tools sudo xbps-install -Sy freetype apparmor elogind gst-libav xdg-utils GConf wget curl chrony bluez iwd #ConsoleKit2 ["$NONFREE" = "y" ] && sudo xbps-install -Sy unrar sudo xbps-install -Sy sxiv xwallpaper udevil picom redshift ffmpegthumbnailer sxhkd dunst scron rsync sudo xbps-install -Sy exa highlight words-en python3-pip #better ls, better text in lf, every english word # appimage needed this sudo xbps-install -Sy dbus-glib #nss startup-notification #void stuff sudo xbps-install -Sy outils void-release-keys #provides signify and void release .pub file to verify iso fi #tlp for battery management clear echo "install tlp for better battery life?(y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy tlp sudo ln -s /etc/sv/tlp /var/service fi clear echo "install and setup ufw firewall? (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then #install and setup firewall sudo xbps-install -Sy ufw sudo ufw enable sudo ln -s /etc/sv/ufw /var/service echo "use my defaults? (deny incoming, allow outgoing, add rules for steam and transmission ) (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo ufw default deny incoming sudo ufw default allow outgoing sudo ufw allow http sudo ufw allow https #sudo ufw allow ssh sudo ufw allow ntp sudo ufw allow 67:68/tcp sudo ufw allow 53 #allow torrent client traffic sudo ufw allow 56881:56889/tcp #rules to allow steam sudo ufw allow 27000:27036/udp sudo ufw allow 27036:27037/tcp sudo ufw allow 4380/udp sudo ufw enable fi fi #install nvidia-drivers clear echo "install nvidia proprietary drivers? (Y/n)" read nvidiain if [ $nvidiain == 'y' ] || [ $nvidiain == 'Y' ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy void-repo-nonfree void-repo-multilib void-repo-multilib-nonfree sudo xbps-install -Sy xf86-video-nouveau nvidia nvidia-libs-32bit sudo xbps-install vulkan-loader vulkan-loader-32bit fi clear echo "setup amd graphics drivers?(y/N)" read amdin if [ $amdin == 'y' ] || [ $amdin == 'Y' ]; then #install amd libraries sudo xbps-install -Sy xf86-video-amdgpu mesa-vulkan-radeon sudo xbps-install -Sy radeontop sudo mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ sudo ln -s ~/.config/.sysconf/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amdgpu.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ fi clear echo "setup intel graphics drivers?(y/N)" read intelin if [ $intelin == 'y' ] || [ $intelin == 'Y' ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy xf86-video-intel mesa-dri intel-video-accel sudo ln -s ~/.config/.sysconf/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d #to fix issues running steam #xi -S vulkan-loader vulkan-loader-32bit mesa-dri mesa-dri-32bit fi sudo xbps-install -Sy vulkan-loader [ "$MULTILIB" = "y" ] && sudo xbps-install -Sy vulkan-loader-32bit clear echo "install flatpak and setup flathub?(y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then #install flatpak and enable flathub sudo xbps-install -Sy xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-user-dirs xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdg-utils sudo xbps-install -Sy flatpak sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo fi #enable usage statistics clear echo "enable usage statistics for Void Linux? (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy PopCorn sudo ln -s /etc/sv/popcorn /var/service/ fi #install fish shell clear echo "install and use fish shell? (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy fish-shell chsh -s /usr/bin/fish $USER fi #install zsh shell clear echo "install and use zsh? (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then chsh -s /bin/zsh $USER #setup .zprofile and zsh history file cd ~ ln -s ~/.profile ~/.zprofile mkdir -p ~/.cache/zsh touch ~/.cache/zsh/history fi ###themes and fonts #most themes are stored in my dotfiles repo #sudo xbps-install -S nerd-fonts-otf sudo xbps-install -S noto-fonts-ttf noto-fonts-ttf-extra noto-fonts-cjk font-awesome ### install user programs ### clear echo "install my cli programs? (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then #cli programs to isntall sudo xbps-install -Sy neovim htop #pulsemixer pamixer sudo xbps-install -Sy mpv mpd ncmpcpp mpc #cmus cmus-ffmpeg cava #audio cava -> console audio visualizer for alsa sudo xbps-install -Sy lf mtm #file browser terminal multiplexor sudo xbps-install -Sy ImageMagick ffmpegthumbnailer viu #jp2a #for ascii image previews and video thumbnails in lf sudo xbps-install -Sy zathura zathura-cb zathura-pdf-mupdf #pdfs manga sudo xbps-install -Sy youtube-dl straw-viewer #download youtube videos sudo xbps-install -Sy transmission tremc #transmission-remote-cli #torrents sudo xbps-install -Sy pywal #generate themes from pictures sudo xbps-install -Sy tealdeer ufetch termdown # misc utils sudo xbps-install -Sy scrot sfeed sfeed_curses #newsboat #sudo xbps-install -Sy trackma #pip install random-username fi clear echo "install my gui programs? (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy firefox fi clear echo "install virt-manager? (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo xbps-install -S libvirt qemu virt-manager lxsession sudo xbps-install -S gst-plugins-good1 # fixes audio issues sudo ln -s /etc/sv/libvirtd /var/service sudo ln -s /etc/sv/virtlockd /var/service sudo ln -s /etc/sv/virtlogd /var/service sudo usermod -G libvirt -a $USER sudo usermod -G libvirt -a root fi clear echo "install gaming programs(wine lutris steam)? (y/N)" echo "this will enable nonfree repos" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy void-repo-nonfree void-repo-multilib void-repo-multilib-nonfree sudo xbps-install -Sy mesa-dri-32bit sudo xbps-install -Sy wine-32bit wine-gecko wine-mono winetricks protontricks libselinux sudo xbps-install -Sy lutris steam sudo xbps-install -Sy libdrm-32bit fi #Haskell #sudo xbps-install -Sy ghc cabal-install stack #sudo ln -s /lib/libncurses.so.6.1 /lib/libtinfo.so.6 #my devel #sudo xbps-install -Sy base-devel make gcc gdb #sudo xbps-install -Sy lua love luarocks #muttwizard clear echo "install muttwizard dependencies? (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo xbps-install -Sy neomutt isync msmtp pass urlview lynx notmuch fi ### SYSTEM SETUP ### ### setup services ### sudo ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /var/service #sudo ln -s /etc/sv/cgmanager /var/service/ sudo ln -s /etc/sv/elogind /var/service/ sudo ln -s /etc/sv/chronyd /var/service/ clear echo "enable wifi with IWD? (use iwctl to setup network) (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo ln -s /etc/sv/iwd /var/service/ fi ### set limits.conf for esync sudo sh -c "echo '$USER hard nofile 524288' >> /etc/security/limits.conf" ### modify udevil config to add exec to mount options sudo sed -i 's/^allowed_options .*$/&, exec/g' /etc/udevil/udevil.conf echo "create modified hosts file from someonewhocares.org and change DNS to OpenDNS Family Shield?\n do this at any time by running the ~/scripts/update-hosts script (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then cd ~/.local/scripts/ ~/.local/scripts/update-hosts sudo echo "static domain_name_servers= 2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f 2001:1608:10:25::9249:d69b" >> /etc/dhcpcd.conf #dns.watch fi echo "disable mouse acceleration? (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo ln -s ~/.config/.sysconf/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-mouse-acceleration.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ fi #Vim YouCompleteMe deps sudo xbps-install -S python3-devel ###suckless-install.sh dependancies sudo xbps-install -S base-devel make libXft-devel libX11-devel libXinerama-devel patch ncurses-devel #surf dependencies sudo xbps-install -S gtk+-devel webkit2gtk-devel gcr-devel sudo xbps-install -S cmake curlpp-devel #for tuitube #straw-viewer dependencies #sudo xbps-install -S perl-Module-Build #yacy dependancies sudo xbps-install -S openjdk8 apache-ant echo "change mirror to alpha.us.voidlinux.org? (y/N)" read input if [ $input == 'y' ] || [ $input == 'Y' ]; then sudo mkdir -p /etc/xbps.d sudo cp /usr/share/xbps.d/*-repository-*.conf /etc/xbps.d/ sudo sed -i 's|https://alpha.de.repo.voidlinux.org|https://alpha.us.repo.voidlinux.org|g' /etc/xbps.d/*-repository-*.conf sudo xbps-install -S fi #install xdeb mkdir -p ~/devel/repos/ git clone https://github.com/toluschr/xdeb.git ~/devel/repos cd ~/devel/repos/xdeb sudo cp ./xdeb /usr/local/bin sh ~/.local/installers/suckless-install.sh