Xft.autohint: 1 Xft.antialias: 1 Xft.hinting: true Xft.hintstyle: hintslight Xft.rgba: rgb Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault Xcursor.theme: Adwaita ! urxvt urxvt.font: xft:mono:size=10:antialias=true:hinting=true urxvt.url-launcher: /usr/bin/xdg-open urxvt.matcher.button: 1 urxvt.matcher.pattern.0: \\b([a-zA-Z]+:\/\/\\w[\\w-.@:]*|www\\.\\w[\\w-]*\\.\\w[\\w-.]*)(\/[^"' ()]*)? urxvt.scrollBar: false urxvt.termName: xterm-256color urxvt.saveLines: 10000 urxvt.inheritPixmap: true urxvt.shading: 20 urxvt.clipboard.autocopy: true urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,selection-to-clipboard,pasta,matcher,keyboard-select,resize-font,font urxvt.keysym.M-u: perl:url-select:select_next urxvt.transparent: true urxvt.buffered: true urxvt.jumpScroll: false urxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: true urxvt.scrollTtyOutput: false urxvt.scrollWithBuffer: false urxvt.scrollstyle: plain urxvt.secondaryScroll: false urxvt.xftAntialias: true !urxvt.color4: RoyalBlue urxvt.matcher.rend.0: Bold fg6 urxvt.cursorBlink: false urxvt.cursorColor: #5f8fff urxvt.mapAlert: true urxvt.pointerBlank: true urxvt.resource: value urxvt.iso14755: false urxvt.iso14755_52: false !xterm font XTerm.vt100.faceName: mono:size=10 !st settings *.font: mono:pixelsize=13 *.borderpx: 2 *.tabspaces: 4 !cursorColor STRING, &colorname[258] }, !termname STRING, &termname }, !shell STRING, &shell }, *.xfps: 30 !actionfps INTEGER, &actionfps }, !blinktimeout INTEGER, &blinktimeout }, *.bellvolume: 100 !INTEGER, &bellvolume }, !cwscale FLOAT, &cwscale }, !chscale FLOAT &chscale }, !dmenu settings dmenu.font : mono:pixelsize=13 /*** COLOR SETTINGS ***/ !global colors #define WHITE #ffffff #define BLACK #000000 /* include color theme. theme can be set using ~/scripts/set_colors.sh*/ #include "./color" !if COLOR15 is not defined, there is an error in ~/.config/colors. default to nord #ifndef COLOR15 #define COLOR0 #3B4252 #define COLOR1 #BF616A #define COLOR2 #A3BE8C #define COLOR3 #EBCB8B #define COLOR4 #81A1C1 #define COLOR5 #B48EAD #define COLOR6 #88C0D0 #define COLOR7 #E5E9F0 #define COLOR8 #4C566A #define COLOR9 #BF616A #define COLOR10 #A3BE8C #define COLOR11 #EBCB8B #define COLOR12 #81A1C1 #define COLOR13 #B48EAD #define COLOR14 #8FBCBB #define COLOR15 #ECEFF4 #define FOREGROUND #D8DEE9 #define BACKGROUND #2E3440 #define DWM_NBDR COLOR13 #define DWM_NBG BACKGROUND #define DWM_NFG COLOR6 #define DWM_SBDR WHITE #define DWM_SBG #434C5E #define DWM_SFG COLOR13 #endif /* DWM colors * dwm.normbordercolor: border not currently selected * dwm.normbgcolor: bg of top bar, bg of not selected tags, bg of dmenu * dwm.normfgclolor: ??? * dwm.selbordercolor: active window border color, color of selected entry in dmenu * dwm.selbgcolor: selected tag color, color of section of top bar displaying window title * dwm.selfgcolor: color of window title text, color of current tag indicator, */ !source dwm colors from color pallete if not defined #ifndef DWM_NBDR #define DWM_NBDR COLOR8 #endif #ifndef DWM_NBG #define DWM_NBG COLOR0 #endif #ifndef DWM_NFG #define DWM_NFG COLOR15 #endif #ifndef DWM_SBDR #define DWM_SBDR COLOR15 #endif #ifndef DWM_SBG #define DWM_SBG COLOR2 #endif #ifndef DWM_FBG #define DWM_FBG COLOR15 #endif !source dmenu colors from color pallette if not defined #ifndef DMENU_NBG #define DMENU_NBG COLOR0 #endif #ifndef DMENU_NFG #define DMENU_NFG COLOR15 #endif #ifndef DMENU_SBG #define DMENU_SBG COLOR1 #endif #ifndef DMENU_SFG #define DMENU_SFG COLOR15 #endif ! 6 11 14 #define AAAA COLOR6 #ifndef DMENU_SHFG #define DMENU_SHFG AAAA #endif #ifndef DMENU_SHBG #define DMENU_SHBG COLOR1 #endif #ifndef DMENU_NHFG #define DMENU_NHFG AAAA #endif #ifndef DMENU_NHBG #define DMENU_NHBG COLOR0 #endif !source colors for BG and FG if not defined #ifndef BACKGROUND #define BACKGROUND COLOR0 #endif #ifndef FOREGROUND #define FOREGROUND COLOR15 #endif !set dwm colors defined in included file above dwm.normbordercolor: DWM_NBDR dwm.normbgcolor: DWM_NBG dwm.normfgclolor: DWM_NFG dwm.selbordercolor: DWM_SBDR dwm.selbgcolor: DWM_SBG dwm.selfgcolor: DWM_SFG !set dmenu colors defined in included file above dmenu.background : DMENU_NBG dmenu.foreground : DMENU_NFG dmenu.selbackground : DMENU_SBG dmenu.selforeground : DMENU_SFG dmenu.selhighlightfg : DMENU_SHFG dmenu.selhighlightbg : DMENU_SHBG dmenu.normhighlightfg : DMENU_NHFG dmenu.normhighlightbg : DMENU_NHBG /* ST/Xterm colors */ *.color0: COLOR0 *.color1: COLOR1 *.color2: COLOR2 *.color3: COLOR3 *.color4: COLOR4 *.color5: COLOR5 *.color6: COLOR6 *.color7: COLOR7 *.color8: COLOR8 *.color9: COLOR9 *.color10: COLOR10 *.color11: COLOR11 *.color12: COLOR12 *.color13: COLOR13 *.color14: COLOR14 *.color15: COLOR15 *.background: BACKGROUND *.foreground: FOREGROUND