
189 lines
5.6 KiB

# This is the example keymap file for MOC. You can define your own key
# bindings for MOC commands by creating your own keymap file and setting
# the 'Keymap' option in ~/.moc/config.
# The format of this file is:
# - Lines beginning with # are comments.
# - Blank lines are ignored.
# - Every other line is expected to be in one of the formats:
# COMMAND = [KEY ...]
# COMMAND += KEY ...
# The KEY can be:
# - Just a char, like i, L, ", *
# - CTRL-KEY sequence: ^k (CTRL-k), ^4
# - ALT-KEY (meta) sequence: M-j (ALT-j), M-/
# - Special keys: DOWN, UP
# F1 - F12
# Note that the use of a digit as a KEY is deprecated.
# Maximum number of KEYs for one COMMAND is 5.
# Omitting the KEY for a COMMAND will unbind all its default keys. They
# will also be automatically unbound when you bind new KEYs to it. Individual
# default KEYs will be automatically unbound when they are explicitly bound
# to some other COMMAND.
# Using the '+=' form will cause the KEYs to be appended to any existing
# (default or explicit) bindings for the COMMAND. Appending an existing
# default binding for the same COMMAND will cause MOC to think of that KEY
# as then being explicitly bound.
# Only one binding for any given COMMAND can appear in the keymap file. One
# exception to this is that if the default keys for a COMMAND are explicitly
# unbound then a subsequent binding may appear for it. A second exception
# is that multiple appending bindings may appear.
# Meta-key detection is sensitive to the ESCDELAY environment variable (see
# the manpage for ncurses(3)). In its absence, MOC resets the default
# delay to 25ms. If you need to emulate meta-key sequences using the ESC
# key, then you may need to set the value of ESCDELAY back to its ncurses
# default of 1000ms (but doing so will make the response to the ESC key
# sluggish).
# If MOC's keypresses are being filtered through some other program (in a
# GUI environment, for example) which also does meta-key detection, then
# MOC is at the mercy of the timings with which that program presents them.
# Default key configuration for MOC (and a list of all available commands):
# MOC control keys:
quit_client = q
quit = Q
# Menu and interface control keys:
go = ENTER
menu_down = DOWN
menu_up = UP
menu_page_down = PAGE_DOWN
menu_page_up = PAGE_UP
menu_first_item = HOME
menu_last_item = END
search_menu = g /
toggle_read_tags = f
toggle_show_time = ^t
toggle_show_format = ^f
toggle_menu = TAB
toggle_layout = l
toggle_hidden_files = H
next_search = ^g ^n
show_lyrics = L
theme_menu = T
help = h ?
refresh = ^r
reload = r
# Audio playing and positioning keys:
seek_forward = RIGHT
seek_backward = LEFT
seek_forward_fast = ]
seek_backward_fast = [
pause = p SPACE
stop = s
next = n
previous = b
toggle_shuffle = S
toggle_repeat = R
toggle_auto_next = X
toggle_mixer = x
go_url = o
# Volume control keys:
volume_down_1 = <
volume_up_1 = >
volume_down_5 = ,
volume_up_5 = .
volume_10 = M-1
volume_20 = M-2
volume_30 = M-3
volume_40 = M-4
volume_50 = M-5
volume_60 = M-6
volume_70 = M-7
volume_80 = M-8
volume_90 = M-9
# Directory navigation keys: defaults are Shift-number
# (i.e., 'shift 1' -> '!' -> 'Fastdir1').
go_to_a_directory = i
go_to_music_directory = m
go_to_fast_dir1 = !
go_to_fast_dir2 = @
go_to_fast_dir3 = #
go_to_fast_dir4 = $
go_to_fast_dir5 = %
go_to_fast_dir6 = ^
go_to_fast_dir7 = &
go_to_fast_dir8 = *
go_to_fast_dir9 = (
go_to_fast_dir10 = )
go_to_playing_file = G
go_up = U
# Playlist specific keys:
add_file = a
add_directory = A
plist_add_stream = ^u
delete_from_playlist = d
playlist_full_paths = P
plist_move_up = u
plist_move_down = j
save_playlist = V
remove_dead_entries = Y
clear_playlist = C
# Queue manipulation keys:
enqueue_file = z
clear_queue = Z
# User interaction control:
history_up = UP
history_down = DOWN
delete_to_start = ^u
delete_to_end = ^k
cancel = ^x ESCAPE
hide_message = M
# Softmixer specific keys:
toggle_softmixer = w
toggle_make_mono = J
# Equalizer specific keys:
toggle_equalizer = E
equalizer_refresh = e
equalizer_prev = K
equalizer_next = k
# External commands:
mark_start = '
mark_end = "
exec_command1 = F1
exec_command2 = F2
exec_command3 = F3
exec_command4 = F4
exec_command5 = F5
exec_command6 = F6
exec_command7 = F7
exec_command8 = F8
exec_command9 = F9
exec_command10 = F10
# The following commands are available but not assigned to any keys by
# default:
# toggle_percent Switch on/off play progress bar time percentage