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2022-09-19 02:13:02 +00:00
#Script wrapper for using grim for screenshots in sway
#commands taken from grim's github README, commands saved below for reference
#requires that sway, grim, jq, and imagemagick are installed
#for all functions:
# $1 -> filename for output, will be set to - if -clip flag is set
# $2 -> program to pipe grim output to, defaults to cat, is set to wl-copy if -clip is set
# $3 -> seconds to wait before taking screenshot
ss_all() {
sleep "$3"
grim "$1" | "$2"
ss_mon() {
sleep "$3"
grim -o "$(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name')" "$1" | "$2"
ss_win() {
sleep "$3"
grim -g "$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -j '.. | select(.type?) | select(.focused).rect | "\(.x),\(.y) \(.width)x\(.height)"')" "$1" | "$2"
ss_sel() {
grim -g "$(slurp && sleep "$3")" "$1" | "$2"
ss_color_pick() {
grim -g "$(slurp -p)" -t ppm - | convert - -format '%[pixel:p{0,0}]' txt:- | "$2"
help() {
echo " [OPTIONS]"
echo " -a -> take screenshot of entire display"
echo " -m -> take screenshot of current monitor"
echo " -w -> take screenshot of currently active window"
echo " -s -> take screenshot of selection"
echo " -o FILENAME -> override filename output with given string FILENAME"
echo " --color-picker -> get the current color value of a selected pixel, prints data to stdout"
echo " --clip -> copy image to clipboard instead of writing to file"
echo " --secs SECS -> wait SECS seconds before taking screenshot"
echo " --help -> print this help message"
echo ""
FN=$(date +'%s_grim.png')
for ARG in "$@"
[ "$ARG" = "-a" ] && CMD="ss_all"
[ "$ARG" = "-m" ] && CMD="ss_mon"
[ "$ARG" = "-w" ] && CMD="ss_win"
[ "$ARG" = "-s" ] && CMD="ss_sel"
[ "$ARG" = "--color-picker" ] && CMD="ss_color_pick"
[ "$ARG" = "--clip" ] && FN="-" && PIPE_CMD="wl-copy"
[ "$ARG" = "--help" ] && CMD="help"
[ "$FN_FLAG" = "1" ] && FN_FLAG="" && FN="$ARG" #turn off FN_FLAG and set FN to argument after -o
[ "$ARG" = "-o" ] && FN_FLAG="1" #flag next argument to be file name
[ "$SL_FLAG" = "1" ] && SL_FLAG="" && SECS="$ARG" #turn off SL_FLAG and set SECS to argument after -secs
[ "$ARG" = "-secs" ] && SL_FLAG="1" #flag next argument to be SECS