pkgname="ajh-setup" pkgver="1.0.0" pkgver="1" pkgrel="1" pkgdesc="Install my config for Arch based systems." arch=("x86_64") makedepends=("fakeroot" "doas") depends=( #system core, provides core functionality like internet, sound, etc. "pipewire" "pipewire-alsa" "pipewire-pulse" "pipewire-jack" "gst-plugin-pipewire" "wireplumber" "wireplumber-docs" "alsa-utils" "freetype2" "gst-libav" "btrfs-progs" "fuse" "mesa" "libva-mesa-driver" "connman" "brightnessctl" #system extra, extra programs that don't provide core functionality, but are still useful "man-db" "xdg-utils" "xdg-user-dirs" "pacman-contrib" "python-urwid" "ufw" "wget" "curl" "zip" "unzip" "p7zip" "dash" "rsync" "cronie" "udisks2" "udiskie" "bc" "opendoas" "zsh" "openssh" "flatpak" #devel "clang" "python-pip" "shellcheck" "fakeroot" "base-devel" #multimedia "pavucontrol" "yt-dlp" "mpd" "mpv" "imv" #misc "lynx" "aria2" #optional dependency of ani-cli #theming "noto-fonts" "noto-fonts-emoji" "noto-fonts-cjk" "lxappearance" "qt5ct" #tui, terminal programs and programs/libs used by them "imagemagick" "ffmpegthumbnailer" "python-pdftotext" "chafa" "bat" "ncmpcpp" "bc" "transmission-cli" "neovim" "libsixel" #desktop, programs related to setting up a graphical user interface "sway" "swaybg" "swayidle" "swaylock" "waybar" "mako" "wl-clipboard" "grim" "slurp" "xorg-xwayland" "gammastep" "waylock" "foot" "foot-terminfo" "bemenu-wayland" ) optdepends=() license=("MIT") #sha512sums=("SKIP") package() { echo "installing packages" }