#!/bin/sh ################################################################### # Required ################################################################### #enables arch repos, and install yay aur helper sh ./scripts/repo-enable.sh #runit init setup sh ./scripts/runit-config.sh #install my aur packages yay -S - < ./pkgs/aur.list #install development programs echo "Install development programs (virt-manager) (y/N)?" read input if [ "$input" = "y" ]; then sh ./scripts/devel.sh fi #setup steam and lutris for gaming #pass one of --amd,--nvidia,--intel to this script echo "Install gaming programs (lutris/steam) (y/N)?" read input if [ "$input" = "y" ]; then echo "enter GPU type (amd nvidia intel):" read input sh ./scripts/gaming.sh --"$input" fi #setup wireless (wifi,bluetooth) if [ "$(ls /sys/class/net/ | grep w)" ]; then sh ./scripts/wireless.sh fi #do my configuration stuff, setup home directories, configure ufw, grub theming, etc. sh ./scripts/config.sh #install microcode for CPU echo "enter CPU type to install microcode for (amd intel) (y/N)?" read input if [ "$input" = "amd" ]; then sudo pacman -S amd-ucode elif [ "$input" = "intel" ]; then sudo pacman -S intel-ucode fi #################################################################### # Post Install #################################################################### sudo mkinitcpio -P #rebuild kernel sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg #update grub echo "installation finished"